Thursday 8 July 2010

Crazy Daze

Our last few weeks have been a bit wild. In the past fifteen days, we've had three visitors from the States, journeyed across and around Scotland by car and by train, hiked the tallest mountain in the UK (Ben Nevis), moved to a new flat, and kept up a pretty decent work flow regardless (Isaac took two days off during our adventures and I've taken a few more but still managed to write a conference paper and compile a slide show for it). Exciting but crazy.

Our new address will be emailed out soon to interested parties, but as we don't yet have internet access in our new flat, it might take a little longer than expected. In the meantime, here's a photo of my handsome husband taken on the side of Ben Nevis and looking out over Loch Lochy and the Atlantic (click for a larger version).

Hope you are all well! Take care!

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