Wednesday 13 October 2010

Here We Fall Again . . .

Some of you might have heard that Isaac had another birthday last month (it tends to happen unexpectedly about once a year). Isaac was unfortunately just starting a marathon cold that has been alive and kicking for the past few weeks, so our celebrations were slightly subdued and I didn't make him pose for any photos (because the only thing worse than feeling sick and snuffly is feeling sick and snuffly with a camera shoved in one's face).

For breakfast, we celebrated in proper Southern fashion with bacon, biscuits, and gravy. Yummy. (Also, as compensation for not seeing Isaac's handsome face, here's part of our kitchen--fortunately for you all, the most attractive part).

We went out to a local Italian chain restaurant for supper (joined by our dear friend K.) and then came home for tea, hot grog (a la Prague) and presents. As you can see, Isaac had a round-themed present collection. Also, this is part of our living room.

We went to bed early in hopes of staving off further illness, but Isaac spent the next two days in bed anyway, which was tragic.

On the Friday after Isaac's birthday, we celebrated the end of September with an unexpected and beautiful surprise: a day of heavy rain followed by an enormous double rainbow that spread over most of the town (hence why I was unable to capture the entire rainbow in one image: you all will have to settle for two). These were taken from our "rooftop door" which literally opens out into empty space about six feet above the nearby rooftops.

Hope you all are well.


  1. Wonderful rainbow! Is that a chimney on the left with the three stacks?

  2. It is indeed a chimney! I'd have to go look again, but it may actually be the chimney for the flat beneath us. We're hoping to get our own chimney in good shape before Christmas . . . I think it will make things a lot more fun.
