Monday 5 December 2011

DPP Day 5: Books, Books, Books

I have been spending a lot of time in libraries lately, many of them quite wonderful, but this one has found a new special place in our hearts. Located about halfway between home and the rail station, it is a well-stocked public library that spends much of its energies providing services as well as books to the community. There are meeting halls in the back half of the building, flyers and pamphlets in the main hallway, and a special desk indoors dedicated to individuals who need help finding a job or volunteer work, understanding a lease or contract, or getting legal and business matters sorted. The library itself is small but satisfactory (and Edinburgh at large has a pretty extensive literature collection) but the timbre of our neighbourhood is exemplified in the fact that nearly a quarter of the books this branch holds are in languages other than English. At the moment, I. and I have a number of general fiction books on our library cards, as well as a few children's books in other languages for the perfect combination of study and pleasure.

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